Monday, November 5, 2018

White Privilege

I have written about the persistence of this reality before even as we are approaching the end of the second decade of the 21st Century.  I am saddened and disappointed that the ugly face of racism is able to so easily insert itself in our society and especially our political discourse.  We ought to be introspective and honest about how in 2018 our nation has allowed the worst aspects of racism and the ‘Jim Crow Era’ to reappear and become acceptable issues that most of us had thought were put to sleep more than 50 years ago.  To understand and appreciate the legacy of different periods of American History and Culture you must take the time and effort to read and search out the diversity that has made us a truly great nation.  I would challenge our President to take the Advance Placement Test on American History offered by the College Board to high-school students.  I suppose that is unfair to ask and is actually begging the question of whether our national leadership has an underlying understanding of how the racial divisiveness, poverty, homelessness as well as alienation from American Society as a whole affects so many citizens.  Yet, I believe that racism beyond any other issue should be the driving force in the midterm elections tomorrow coupled with a resounding rejection of White Supremacy.  You may disagree with my views but it is still important that you exercise your franchise as your conscience guides you.

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