26 February 2008)
Endotercisus: Dies Fastus a.m., Dies Comitialis p.m.
Dies Martis

Originally, the last month of the year, February derives from 'februa" the instruments of purification that were used to propitiate the gods and prepare for Spring, which Varro indicates began on February 5.
Cicero like Marcus Aurelius after him was a Stoic Philosopher, and he would have believed that the world was governed by law and reason. I suppose the question would be is what does Cicero mean when he says that "Nature herself will make a wise man rich"? Reason and Faith can become confused especially when they are misused in an attempt to keep us misinformed. Is my truth and reality simply a lie and a fantasy to someone else? I would never presume to be so dogmatic by maintaining that my view of the world is an absolute. Yet, when we see such glaring contradictions caused by 'Man' on this mater terra that we have been entrusted to care for. Have we addressed the social divide in this country that Katrina so clearly pointed out to us all?
Lest we forget!
The following appeared in the Washington Post this morning: NATO Confronts Surprisingly Fierce Taliban
In the year and a half since NATO took over southern Afghanistan from U.S. forces, its mission has changed dramatically. Dispatched to the region to maintain newly restored order and help local Afghans reconstruct their shattered communities, Dutch and other troops from the alliance now find themselves on the front lines of a renewed fight with a more cunning and aggressive Taliban.
More foreign soldiers and Afghan civilians died in Taliban-related fighting last year than in any year since U.S. and coalition forces ousted the extremist Islamic militia, which ruled most of the country, in 2001. Military officials here expect the coming year to be just as deadly, if not more so, as the Taliban becomes more adept militarily and more formidable in its deployment of suicide bombers and roadside explosives.
The Taliban's growing strength, which surprised Dutch forces here, helps explain why NATO members are reluctant to send more troops to an increasingly dangerous battlefield and have instead adopted a strategy based less on military force.
In his recent criticism of NATO's refusal to deploy more forces, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates accused the alliance of being ill-prepared for counterinsurgency operations. NATO countries, however, while not opposed to the war effort in Afghanistan, have always viewed the key to success as one that relied on giving Afghans new schools, health clinics and other elements of a sturdy civil society.
We left Afghanistan to fight an ill conceived and unjust war in Iraq with a callous disregard to the victims of 9/11. The Central point and message that is so critical at this juncture can be seen in this last paragraph.
"NATO countries have always viewed the key to success as one that relied on giving Afghans new schools, health clinics and other elements of a sturdy civil society."
If we would have had the wisdom to do exactly this when Soviet troops were driven out of Afghanistan, there very well may never have been a 9/11. Like Charlie Wilson said, "We know how to start the game, but just don't seem to be able to finish it".
Charlie Wilson and Changing the World
I have no answers but it would be nice to think that it is possible.
Senex Magister
It is past time to bring this war to an end and live as brothers in a world based on fairness for all of us.

Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism. ~Thomas Jefferson~
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