We open our eyes and take our first breath
of life and yet when do we know that we have
a family and a home. Is it that moment when there
is a conscious understanding that my mother and
father love me with an affection that has no limits?
It is a love that is selfless and unconditional and you
realize that at no time living or dead will you ever be
alone. It manifests its presence in so many ways and
at so many crossroads that come to each of us during
the small span of time that we know as life.
Well then, myself, is love alone or my understanding
of it my home? Is it an idea or a reality of my own
making that can only be experienced in the solitary
place that only sees my own essence? Is it physical
or metaphysical to be what you know it must be?
Is it then a thought just as fleeting as the breeze you
feel blowing through your hair on a windy day?
Can a home be real if it is as transitory as the birds
flying above us that only know the permanence of their
migration? I ask you again, myself, "Where is my home"?
© Senex Magister
Can anyone answer such a question that only you and
you alone are able to answer? It is a place where loneliness
and suffering have been banished. It is not idyllic but posses
a heart in Heaven and the Consciousness of every Soul whose undying love creates It and sustains It.
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