I sit and think that tomorrow will be a better day than the one trying to find its twilight in the sadness and gloom of a spirit who knows no difference from the light of day or the darkness of night. Does knowledge bring light that illuminates the soul of man that enables him to say what he has done is good? Then is ignorance an evil reflection of the same soul that allows its true nature to be so clouded from reality that it will never know beauty and pleasure for what they are? When we are told that one who worships Luna is the personification of all that is wrong in the world of man, is this the divine inspiration that we have prayed would change the face of every malicious thought that has ever entered human consciousness. If we are told that one who worships Daemon has been endowed with all revealed truth, do we follow that leader to where ever he says we must go? Aren't truth and ignorance, right and wrong, as well as goodness and evil that easy to distinguish one from the other.

What Is Evil?
Having qualities tending to injury and mischief; having a nature or properties which tend to badness; mischievous; not good; worthless or deleterious; poor; as, an evil beast; an evil plant; an evil crop.
Having or exhibiting bad moral qualities; morally corrupt; wicked; wrong; vicious; as, evil conduct, thoughts, heart, words, and the like.
Producing or threatening sorrow, distress, injury, or calamity; unpropitious; calamitous; as, evil tidings; evil arrows; evil days -- Evil speaking, speaking ill of others; calumny; censoriousness -- The evil one, the Devil; Satan; Syn. -- Mischievous; pernicious; injurious; hurtful; destructive; wicked ; sinful; bad; corrupt; perverse; wrong; vicious; calamitous.
Anything which impairs the happiness of a being or deprives a being of any good; anything which causes suffering of any kind to sentient beings (It's a hobby...); injury; mischief; harm; -- opposed to good.
Moral badness, or the deviation of a moral being from the principles of virtue imposed by conscience, or by the will of the Supreme Being, or by the principles of a lawful human authority; disposition to do wrong; moral offence; wickedness; depravity.
But evil is actually so much more than all that. It is wickedness, malevolence, the desire to do people wrong. It is to take power for yourself at the expense of others, and then using it in the most ruthless and vile of ways. It is hurting people for no good reason at all, horrifically destroying their lives and then jumping up on down on their corpses. It is tying damsels in distress to railroad tracks and then twirling about in a moustache and black cape. It is hate and wrath and rage. Sound good? We thought so. So let's begin.

The Benefits of Being Evil
That definition is good for the basics of evil, but doesn't really get into the benefits. For being evil is truly a lifestyle unto itself. By embracing the forces of evil you can gain power beyond your wildest dreams. You can become one of the richest people on earth and then use that wealth to bring about the misfortune of others. You can crush your enemies in the most ruthless and vile of ways all the while unhindered by such weaknesses as remorse or guilt. You can be a ray of darkness in an otherwise unbearably sunny day.
Those are not the only benefits, however. By becoming a servant of darkness you can also engage in widespread plans of world domination. You can destroy the world with the method of your choosing and then jump up and down on its corpse. You can tie damsels in distress to railroad tracks and then twirl about in your moustache and black cape. Yes, by choosing evil you can truly walk down the street with pride, and watch small children run screaming from your presence.
But wait, there's more! If you act now you can also gain vast influence over the minds of men. You can learn great supernatural powers capable of killing at a glance and causing people's heads to explode. You can summon up terrible armies of the undead to then send against the town of your choosing. You can even become immortal should you wish, and are willing to sacrifice your humanity. There really is no end to the benefits, so why not join today?

"I have marveled at the depth of his wisdom. I have experienced his goodness and mercy. I have perceived the excellence of his glorious beauty, and when I contemplate all these things I am filled with awe and wonder at his manifold greatness."
Bernard of Clairvaux
The problem that most of us have when we try to distinguish between right and wrong or good and evil is that we still simply don't know. Do I believe such a statement is horrific and unnatural? I most certainly do! It makes no difference what it is but anything that separates us from our neighbors cannot be good and beneficial to our continued existence on this planet. If our government does it, if our Faith does it, if our Pater Familias does it; we are lost in this journey of life before it has begun. When we allow Government, Faith , or Family to stand in our way of wholeness; we have also lost the wisdom of how to bring a sense of joy and wonder to the same journey we call life.
Senex Magister

She brings light to my world where I too
often see the darkness of hopelessness.
It is a darkness that was born out of a gloom that said
what can you do or say that has value of worth.
I was in a torment of such anguished and tortured thoughts
to believe that my efforts would be mere futility.
I cried within a soul torn between despair and hope
thinking that Iustitia had perished and taken away to Dis.
Is she to wander in her own purgatory senseless from her
failure to restore fairness and equity to the law?
The Lethe with her waters of forgetfulness will not appease
the sacrilege suffered by Iustitia at the hands of man.
The value of Justice must be cherished and loved by all
if we wish it to protect the natural rights of our shared humanity.
Lady Diana comes to wipe away my tears and bear her torch of light
to guide our path as you and I restore health and strength
to the true Lucifera of Iustitia.
© Senex Magister
It is past time to bring this war to an end and live as brothers in a world based on fairness for all of us.

Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism. ~Thomas Jefferson~
Bring Them Home